The Latest Furniture Trends in India

furniture trends in india

India’s furniture industry is going through a major transformation. Furniture has become one of the most important decor elements of a house. With changing lifestyles and increasing urbanization, the demand for wooden furniture has increased. Furthermore, the country’s growing middle class has also helped in propelling the growth of the Indian furniture market.

The demand for branded products is also helping in the growth of the Indian furniture market. In addition, the government has been actively supporting the industry. It has also recognized the export potential of the industry.

In the past few years, the Indian furniture market has witnessed a massive growth in the online segment. The online sector has made it convenient for people to shop for furniture. As a result, the online furniture industry in India is expected to grow significantly in the coming years.

Besides the growing popularity of online shopping, India’s growing trend of work from home is also expected to help in the growth of the furniture industry. Also, the increase in the number of business offices is also driving the demand for furniture in the country.

The increasing interest in sustainability is also fuelling the growth of the India furniture market. As a result, many manufacturers are now offering furniture that is eco-friendly. Moreover, consumers are increasingly looking for furniture that is made using recycled materials.

However, the Indian furniture industry has been reliant on small local carpenters and manufacturers for years. Currently, there are a number of multinational furniture brands that are entering the market. These companies are also taking advantage of the internet to showcase their designs. By doing so, they are able to reach out to a wider audience. Moreover, they can increase the speed of production by hiring artisans from rural areas.

Currently, the India furniture market is divided into two segments based on the type of material used. While the organized segment is expected to grow by 20 percent annually, the unorganized segment is expected to grow by 15 percent. The demand for wooden furniture is also growing, as the number of nuclear families is increasing.

With the rapid development of the real estate industry in India, the market for living rooms and commercial spaces is also growing. As a result, the demand for adaptable and appealing furniture is increasing. Further, the growth of the tourism and hospitality sector is also contributing to the development of the Indian furniture market.

Additionally, the Indian furniture market is also witnessing the emergence of new products and applications. For example, the furniture market in India has begun to extend its reach to bed rooms. Likewise, the increasing use of mobile furniture is also contributing to the expansion of the furniture market in the country.

The Indian furniture industry is also undergoing a major transformation on the supply side. New research and development activities are enabling the industry to be more organized. Several companies are now launching company-owned shops for their customers.

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